Experience True Health
Learn about the importance of living alkaline + antioxidant water
We are so quick to think about the food we eat and the workout we do, but what about water when our body and brain are made up of appx. 75% water.
the US population has not been educated on what type of water they should be drinking. We all know food is not created equal and water is exactly the same.
We know very little
Americans are drinking contaminated water filled with chloroform, heavy metals, pesticides, waterborne pathogens, pharmaceuticals etc., according to the EPA
to find out whats in your tap water
are found in America’s tap water and over half of these pollutants are unregulated and can legally exist in any amount. Most refrigerator and other common filters do not remove the pesticides, chloroform and added chemicals used to process wate
Bottled Alkaline water
is chemically alkalized and loses it’s alkalinity the second air hits it and becomes oxidized. True Living Alkaline water cannot be bottled and shelved past 4-5 days.
Now let's talk about why alkaline matters
Alkaline rich water helps balance the body’s pH, which tends to be acidic because of our high acid diet, stress and daily exposure to environmental toxins. It’s important to alkalize your body pH from acidic to alkaline.

“No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.”
– Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Peace Prize Award Winner In Physiology Of Medicine
All illnesses whether mild or severe, thrive in an acidic, low oxygen and low pH environment.

Tam Salinas

Elizabeth Murro

Mike Guardalabene

Jason Wussler
Learn About What You’ve Been Drinking
It’s Time to Take Back Your Health